The CREATIVE side of YOU!

Artsy Journeys is the ultimate Art Adventure! There are no rules, no judgments, no special applications and no previous experiences necessary to create amazingly beautiful art drawn from your experiences and imagination.

Become one with your thoughts, ideas, dreams, memories and your goals through random applications of color, embellishments and how you happen to feel that day!

Join me and together we will explore and embrace that Art Adventure and walk that path of beauty.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

What do I need to start an Art Journal?

My trip to the Scrap Exchange netted several books filled with wallpaper and fabric samples. Finds such as these can offer a huge assortment of colors, textures and opportunities to simple experiment. After all, nothing happens if you don't try it!
But  don't underestimate what is already in your home. Markers, crayons, colored pencils, poster paints are usually in the art corner or drawer of every home. Did you know that scribbling on a page with markers and then lightly brushing over it with a wet brush will cause the colors to spread and blend into a beautiful random design?

An inexpensive box of markers
 As school begins to start back (yes I know, it's hardly out) the big discount stores will offer HUGE savings on basic art supplies such as Markers, Crayons, Glue (when was the last time you paid .17 cents for a bottle of glue? Rulers, colored pencils, puff paints, craft paints....
and the all important ways to organize them all!

Check the fabric sections in the same stores for sales on ribbons and buttons, zigzag material...KEEP IT SIMPLE!
Running around and around collecting "stuff" can block your creative abilities. Just use what is there, in front of you. The rest will come in good time!
Blending colors. A super background effect!

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