The CREATIVE side of YOU!

Artsy Journeys is the ultimate Art Adventure! There are no rules, no judgments, no special applications and no previous experiences necessary to create amazingly beautiful art drawn from your experiences and imagination.

Become one with your thoughts, ideas, dreams, memories and your goals through random applications of color, embellishments and how you happen to feel that day!

Join me and together we will explore and embrace that Art Adventure and walk that path of beauty.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Organizing the art studio

Whew! I'm getting ready for a kid's summer art camp week in Sculpture and as always, getting organized in an art studio where the tables are covered with paintings heading off for the next show-this one in Blowing Rock, NC....the cool mountains! 

Organizing any studio is a lesson in discipline. Anyone can come in and organize a place but it's up to you to keep it that way. A recent article in an issue of Cloth,Paper,Scissors has a free download on studio organization for artists and there may be some fun and useful tips in it that you did not think about!

As charming as this photo of a studio is (above) I am a firm believer in plastic bins (well marked) and cabinets with doors. Unused chairs simply collect stuff! You can buy shelves and cabinets ready to put together at any big box store and home supply store. As a former single mom with four children, I had to rely on part of the kitchen table and used a sheet to cover up the clutter and discourage little hands from borrowing the art supplies! In fact I have a chapter in my ebook devoted just to finding space to create and store in rental homes (a given for the single moms as some point) where there is none! 
Now, be inspired to have a clutter free area to work and see if it does not make a huge difference!

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